An Overview
Optometric Vision Therapy, also called visual training or VT, is devoted to aiding development while improving and enhancing visual performance.
VT can benefit people of all ages. Performed under the Doctor's supervision, Vision Therapy is a progressive program of vision procedures individualized and updated to fit the needs of each patient.
Unlike other forms of exercise, the goals of Optometric Vision Therapy does not include strengthening the eye muscles, because your eye muscles are already very strong. Although Vision Therapy activities do cross over into the areas of Occupational Therapy and Educational Therapy, what separates vision therapy from other therapies is the exclusive use of lenses, prisms, flippers (a kind of double-lens tool) and anaglyphic (3-D) filters.
Other tools used in Vision Therapy include occluders (patches), electronic targets with timing mechanisms, balance boards, customized VT computer programs (including reading, visual memory, perceptual skills and much more), board and specialized card games, building activities and a wide variety of books.
Powerful changes are created in visual perception and spatial awareness with the tools used exclusively in Vision Therapy.
Over several decades, Behavioral Optometrists such as Dr. Kageyama have developed and used Vision Therapy in combination with the appropriate tools for the purposes of:
- Preventing vision and eye problems from developing
- Developing visual skills to perform more effectively in school, work and play
- Enhancing abilities on tasks requiring sustained visual effort
- Remediation or compensation for existing vision and eye problems
There are six key areas of function that Vision Therapy addresses:
- Visual Motor Guidance (gross motor and fine motor)
- Eye Tracking (ocular motility)
- Eye Focusing (near and far accommodation)
- Eye Alignment (binocular convergence and divergence)
- Visual Information Processing (includes visual memory and visualization)
- Visual Intelligence
Research has shown that a Vision Therapy Program is most beneficial when it is done on an intensive in-office basis; however there are those patients who live at too great a distance or have prohibitive schedules for in-office VT. We have many patients who make great progress through a carefully monitored in-home program and in-office Progress Evaluations.
Who Benefits?
Vision therapy is individualized to meet the unique vision needs of each person. Improving vision aids in improving other skills and behavior. As a result, many people can benefit from Vision Therapy including patients with reading problems, eyestrain, Dyslexia, Lazy Eye, Strabismus,  Autistic Spectrum, ADD and ADHD, Special Needs, and Sports Vision needs.
The Vision Therapy process begins only after a thorough optometric evaluation of visual and perceptual skills. To begin the process of learning about the benefits of Vision Therapy, Dr. Kageyama offers two options:
- Schedule a free consultation
- Full Functional Vision Performance Evaluation